• Christmas break

    Our offices are now closed until 3rd January 2023 but you can still buy online!

  • Hambleside’s Hampshire Hogs!

    Hambleside’s Hampshire Hogs!

    On the 5th and 6th June, Hambleside Merchandise attended the Hampshire County Council exhibition at the City Cruise Terminal in Southampton. This was specifically aimed at the purchasing administrators across Hampshire County Council. The administrators are primarily in charge of the purchasing, financial and budgetary matters so this was a perfect opportunity to showcase our products to the decision makers, in light of being appointed to the council framework agreement at the beginning of this year.

    Over the two days, the exhibition saw 500 delegates come through the doors, which was an excellent attendance rate. Hambleside Merchandise had a unique and very cute promotional giveaway on our stand which drove delegates to us in hoards! The little pink piggy banks were incredibly popular and ended up being referred to as the “army of pigs” due to the way they were lined up on the table like troops! On the first day 225 pigs were given away and by lunchtime the following day, they were all gone.

    Delegates who missed out were most disappointed as they had heard about the pigs and made a point of coming to see us. Some interesting enquiries came out of the two days so this proves how if you choose the right promotional merchandise to give away, it can make an exhibition or an event all the more successful.